We’ve got a JustGiving account up and running that you can now either donate to or fundraise through! Check it out here and let us know if you about any fundraising activities you plan to do!
Did you know that you can donate to us whenever you shop on Amazon without it impacting how much you spend? If you shop through smile.amazon and select Joe’s Buddy Line Charity, Amazon donates 0.5% of every smile.amazon eligible purchase!
We now have an Ebay account so when you sell an item, you can donate automatically a % to Joe’s Buddy Line. Just select us when you list your item.
We now have a Gift Aid Number! So if you ever donate on our CAF page, make sure to tick the gift aid option if you are a UK Tax Payer as it donates an extra 25% of every donation, at no extra charge to you!
You can follow our journey on Instagram @joesbuddyline
Just checking in with your friends and spreading the conversation is so important, and if you can even just do that, you’ve already helped so much.
© 2025 Registered Tradmark - Joe’s Buddy Line Charity
Registered Charity (no. 1193127) in England and Wales.
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